What really happens
If anyone happens to watch "Couples Therapy" on TV3, please DO NOT think that professional supervision comprises of your therapist and their supervisor psychoanalysing the things that you have said during your sessions. 🙄
What really happens is that we discuss our practice: what is going well; what we could be doing differently; what we're learning; skills we could do more learning and practice of.
We also discuss ethical dilemmas: which often have multiple conflicting, yet equally valid, possible actions/responses. Unless I specifically ask for my supervisor's opinion, their role is to help me examine the ethical dilemma from all angles, the possible outcomes of my decision, and how that aligns with my own personal values. (Whilst also ensuring that I act within legal and professional obligations.)
We also talk about the impact our work has on us: our preconceived ideas, experiences, values and beliefs which we bring into the therapy room; unpacking and processing anything that may have triggered us during a sessions; self-care practices; and anything that is happening in our personal lives which may impact upon our work with clients.
My professional supervisor is my own personal coach, mirror, guide, cheerleader, and supportive friend. 🥰
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